Speech: What Do I Mean When I Say Unity?


Is unity possible in Israel? In my view, yes. But first, we need to define what unity truly means.

Unity does not mean sweeping all ideological disagreements under the rug. Nor does it mean that each side must suddenly admire the leaders of the opposing camp. For me, unity is the ability of different groups in Israel to engage in meaningful, reasoned, fact-based discussions, with a genuine openness to reconsider the opinions they bring to the table.

In recent years, listening and constructive dialogue in Israel have been sacrificed on the altar of false symmetry. This symmetry prevents one side from engaging in self-reflection or admitting mistakes for fear that the other side won’t do the same and might even exploit that admission. This dynamic could lead us to disaster.

The people of Israel must do what its leaders have failed to do: conduct an honest and sincere dialogue to agree on fundamental principles that will allow us to live and thrive together in this land.

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